Changamoto ni Matumaini is a Christian foundation that has no interest in financial gain but in saving lives from addiction.
The majority of our members have the experience and testimony of having conquered, with the help of God, serious problems with drugs, alcohol and other addictions.
Since January 2007, we have offered our example and experience as voluntary workers in Tanzania saving lives through biblical worldview.
As stated in the 5.1th article of its Bylaws: “The existence of this association has as its main mission the moral, cultural, material and spiritual support offered to persons belonging to various socially marginalized groups, especially drug dependent persons. The aid will be voluntary, free and personalized, according to the needs of each person”
In the area of drug addiction, our goal is not only to succeed in giving up the consumption of toxic substances, but also to promote a personal life change from the inside out. We want to encourage drug dependent persons to being a process of personal and spiritual development in order to fill the void inside and find a purpose for their lives.
We are moved by a deep desire to help the needy that comes from the courage and that love God has put in our lives through Christ.
We have found in Him the answer to life´s many questions and difficulties and we desire that those, who believe that there is not hope, could discover that God indeed has a plan for them.
In the moment of necessity, we decided to let God take control of our lives and today we are confidant and sure that any person can find favor with Him, in order to begin a new life, depositing his faith in Jesus Christ.